Student Discount
Valid from 01/10 to 30/05
Package offer Single queen size room 10 nights – opt. students
Description: 10 nights in a single room with a large French bed € 400.00.
Advance payment, breakfast excluded.
All our rooms are equipped with bathroom with shower and bathtub, minibar, TV, radio, telephone and free wi-fi connection
Offer 1 Month Double room DUS opt. students
Description: 1 month in a Standard double DUS € 850.00 .
Advance payment, breakfast excluded.
All our rooms are equipped with bathroom with shower and bathtub, air conditioning, minibar, TV, radio, telephone and free wi-fi connection.
Offer 1 Month single queen size room opt. students
Description: Overnight stay in a Single room with a large French bed € 650.00 .
Advance payment, breakfast excluded.
All our rooms are equipped with bathroom with shower and bathtub, air conditioning, minibar, TV, radio, telephone and free wi-fi connection.